An animated French language tale about a severed hand trying to locate its owner seems an unlikely contender to take on 'Toy Story 4' at the Oscars. But that is what is happening at the 2020 Academy Awards, with Jeremy Clapin's mesmerising Parisian story 'I Lost My Body' managing to make the Best Animated Feature shortlist when 'Frozen 2' didn't. Winner of the Nespresso Grand Prize last year during the Cannes Film Festival's International Critics Week, Clapin's story has gone on to scoop an Annie Award, as well as being honoured by the San Diego critics. It was also acquired by Netflix which potentially has given it a much wider audience if they are prepared to hunt it down despite the algorithm. Based on Guillaume Laurent's story 'The Happy Hand', the writer has teamed up with Clapin for the screenplay which begins with a hand scuttling out of a fridge in a hospital lab. As it takes its first steps on a journey aimed ...