When you think of Season Three of 'The Sopranos,' one episode comes to mind - The Pine Barrens. Has there ever been an episode of any TV drama that has matched the brilliance of its writing, acting and direction? Some would argue that possibly the episode of Season Two in ' Breaking Bad ' where Walt and Jesse get stuck in the middle of the desert in their RV after cooking crystal meth is that show's equivalent of 'The Pine Barrens'. © HBO 'Succession' also had some terrific episodes - particularly the ones in Season Three where Logan had a medical emergency at a shareholder meeting and the Tuscan wedding and of course in Season Four episodes featuring a surprise death and the subsequent funeral . ' The Wire 's best moments include one episode where Stringer Bell meets his demise and another that revolves around the downfall of Frank Sobotka. Yet even measured against those impressive yardsticks, 'The Pine Barrens' still holds up 23...